European Society for the History of Science, Brussels, 2022
Commission Symposiums
Boundings and Unboundings in the Sciences: Gender, Experimentation, and Authority (I and II)
Session organisers: María Jesús Santesmases and Andrea Núñez Casal, Chairs: María Jesús Santesmases and Donald L. Opitz, Presenters: Isabelle Lémonon-Waxin, Donald L. Opitz, Sandra Klos, Nurit Kirsh, Ana Romero de Pablos, Isabel M. Gómez Rodríguez, Martine Mille
Anniversary Meeting of the Commission
Organised by María Jesús Santesmases and Donald L. Opitz, Invited Presentations by Margaret W. Rossiter and Sally Gregory Kohlstedt, Commentaries by Pnina Abir-Am, Maria Rentetzi, Ida Stamhuis, and Annette Vogt. Commission updates given by the Commission officers.
Commission members at the conference. Photos by Aurore Delsoir Photographie. Courtesy of ESHS Brussels 2022.